Farmer story

high performing Irish farmer Simon Breen with his LIC bred crossbred cows.
high performing Irish farmer Simon Breen with his LIC bred crossbred cows.

Crossbreeding strategies and efficient farm management drive success

Twelve years of crossbreeding are paying handsome dividends for the Breen family who farm in Emly, Co Tipperary. The farm’s 260 Jersey crosses are performing well despite a completely unexpected disease outbreak that was difficult to control without costly intervention.

Irish dairy farmer Aidan Ahearne with his crossbred herd says life is much easier with a 10:7 milking regime

A change in milking regime makes life so much easier

Introducing a 10:7 milking regime in summer allows this Co. Waterford dairy farmer an improved lifestyle and more time with his family. Remarkably, the change has not affected the herd’s solids production or income.

Irish dairy farmer Jamie Costin with LIC Ireland's David Power

“We’re not chasing figures, what we’re chasing is profit.” On farm with Jamie Costin

Recently, LIC Ireland had the pleasure of taking part in the “New Zealand Agritech, Making Life Simple” event. The farm open day, run in association with New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) and Waikato Milking Systems (WMS), was a day for Irish dairy farmers to learn and share knowledge on how NZ agritech can make life on farm simpler and more efficient.

The Rogers on their New Zealand dairy farm in Taupiri, Waikato

On the fast track

A programme of consistent genetic gain, recording accuracy, and calf quality is the key to success on the Rogers’ Taupiri Farm in Waikato, New Zealand.

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