This is a European-wide webinar, because wherever you farm, good repro performance is key to profitability.
Good repro performance is key to profitability. This webinar takes a look at some key areas of management and examines the role it has played in improving performance in Joe and Kathleen’s herd.
LIC has a long tradition of supporting farmers in New Zealand and across the world to improve their repro performance. When you’re looking at the average calving interval (CI) of 370 days with an 82% calving rate, New Zealand is leading the way.
With fertility BV’s accounting for only 10% of your repro performance, you need to make sure you’re getting the other 90% right. That, of course, is management. These areas can include nutrition, heat detection, heifer growth, or BCS. When we speak about repro performance, we’re talking about the ability to get your cows back in- calf and achieve a high 6 week in-calf rate.
This webinar explores some of those key areas of management and examines the role they play in Joe and Kathleen Kirwan’s herd. Presenters, LIC’s Lucy Coleman and Joyce Voogt, talk about BCS and the role it played on the Kirwan’s farm.
Both Lucy and Joyce are based in New Zealand. Lucy is a Reproduction Solutions Advisor for LIC, her role involves supporting farmers in New Zealand to improve their repro performance.
Joyce is our International Technical Manager. She has come through the sharemilking route and now owns her own farm with her husband Gary. Her farm’s performance shows that she can walk the walk as well as talk the talk. Some of you might have met Joyce on her trips to Ireland and the UK in the past presenting workshops on reproduction.
In the second half of the webinar, David Power, our Senior Breeding Advisor here in Ireland, joins us. David has a Master’s in Animal Breeding, as well as a dairy farmer himself in Waterford. Together we go through the herd improvement options for Joe and Kathleen’s herd for the coming year. These options are the result of an improved repro performance.